Freeway Entertainment and Cascade8 join forces to revolutionize royalty management with Blockframes!

at last, simple management of films & series revenues

Revolutionizing film & series financials with seamless revenue waterfall* automation!

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* But... what's waterfall?
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Effortless revenue management
with Blockframes

Simplify your cinema financials with Blockframes, the revenues management tool designed for producers and financiers.  

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What does Blockframes have that others don't?

Accurate calculations for even the most complex rights chains

Mathematical researchers have defined an algorithm capable of handling the most complex calculations (step changes, cross-lateral commissions, etc.).

One-click statements

Generate and send your statements to right holders with a single click.

Waterfall traceability

Good news: with Blockframes you can easily track the waterfall history.

Artificial Intelligence: maximum automation

Soon, with AI, data will seamlessly integrate automatically.

Blockframes: your stress-free solution

Farewell to complex software and Excel files you hesitate to modify for fear of breaking everything.

ISO/IEC 27001: Ensures the security of data on Google Cloud Platform.
ISO/IEC 27017: Ensures the security of information in the cloud with specific guidelines.
ISO/IEC 27018: Ensures the protection of personal data in the cloud on Firebase.

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Blockframes: Created by Content Producers for Content Producers

Blockframes is the backbone of a new technological system developed by Cascade8.

Cascade8 is the tech branch of French media group Logical Pictures.
Indeed, since 2019, Cascade8 has built an ecosystem around 6 applications, which address 3 key issues in the value chain:

Optimizing the Management of Rights, Processes and Financial Flows

Promoting and Selling Audiovisual Content

Financing Content

Blockframes is supported by

The Paak logo2020INC logoArise Health logoOE logo

Ready to Revolutionize Your Film Financials?

Request a demo today to see Blockframes in action.

Contact us to discuss how we can tailor our solution to meet your unique needs. Your ideal film financial world is just a click away.

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